Junam Reservoir, © Changwon City Hall - Changwon Tour
We aim to bring logicians in Korea together and celebrate World Logic Day, proclaimed by UNESCO. We will introduce the research domains of logic and discuss the diverse applications of logic in various fields.
On January 14, 2019, the first World Logic Day was celebrated as an initiative of universities, research institutes, foundations, and associations active in mathematics, philosophy, computer science, engineering, economics, and cognitive science. For future annual celebrations of World Logic Day, it was officially claimed as the Day by UNESCO, in association with the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences(CIPSH), on November 13, 2019. This year is the seventh World Logic Day.
Why is January 14 for World Logic Day? Nobody can disagree that Alfred Tarski and Kurt Gödel were the most influential logicians of the 20th century. Alfred Tarski was born on January 14, 1901, and Kurt Gödel died on January 14, 1978. In memory of these two greatest logicians in the 20th century, January 14 is decided to be the Day.
The previous events are available on the Korea Logic Day website.
Important Dates
- Invited and tutorial talk announcement:
- Title: December 3, 2024
- Abstract: December 10, 2024
- Participation and student talk application deadline: December 11, 2024
- Participant notification: December 13, 2024
- 4th Korea Logic Day: January 13–15, 2025
Speakers and Talks
Tutorial Talk
- Shichang Song, Beijing Jiaotong University : Projective Fraisse limits and profinite groups
Invited Talks
- Carl-Fredrik Nyberg Brodda, KIAS : Some decision problems in finitely presented groups and semigroups
- Seungrak Choi, Hallym University : Formalizing intuitionistic negations in natural deduction system
- Javier de la Nuez González, KIAS
- Hanul Jeon, Cornell University : On proof-theoretic dilator and Pohlers’ characteristic ordinals
- Dongwoo Kim, KAIST : Reference and Analysis in Frege
- Sewon Park, Kyoto University : Real functions are continuous, continuously, computationally
Student Talks
- Yeon-Hong Kim, Jeonbuk National University : Standard completeness of weak-u-associative uninorm logics
- Jisun Baek, Yonsei University : Graphs on Infinite Cardinals: The Erdős-Dushnik-Miller theorem
- Min Cheol Seo, Sungkyunkwan University : Multi-Agent Simulative Belief Ascription
- Kijeong Lim, Chonnam National University : 고전일차논리의 새로운 Coq 형식화와 건전성 및 완전성 정리의 증명
Talk Abstracts
The abstracts can be found here.
Participant Application
Successful applicants will be offered full-board accommodation for the days of the Fourth Korea Logic Day. Due to limited resources, not all applicants may be selected.
Student applications must include a letter of recommendation, preferably from the thesis adviser, sent directly by the recommender to korea-logic-day@googlegroups.com by the deadline. Student participants will be assigned a shared twin room and may indicate a preferred roommate in their application.
Successful applicants will notified via the provided email address in their applications.
The application can be made here: https://forms.gle/JQinHA4oNcepZjMx8
Student Talk Application
To foster student engagement, we plan to have a session where students introduce their research in progress. Each talk will be approximately 15 to 30 minutes, adjusted based on the number of talks. Student applicants who wish to give a talk can indicate this and provide the title and abstract in the participant application form.
Confirmed talks will notified via the provided email address in their applications.
The Fourth Korea Logic Day will be held in person in Changwon, Korea. Details about the venue will be announced.
The Fourth Korea Logic Day 2025 is hosted by the Korean Association for Mathematical Logic (KAML) and organized by:
- Jinhoo Ahn, Changwon National University
- Seungrak Choi, Hallym University
- Joonhee Kim, KIAS
- Hyoyoon Lee, Yonsei University
- Junguk Lee, Changwon National University
- Sewon Park, Kyoto University
Please contact korea-logic-day@googlegroups.com to reach the organizers.
Financial Support
The Fourth Korea Logic Day is supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea and Changwon National University G-LAMP program.