Korea Logic Day

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The second Korea Logic Day 2022, 14 January 2022

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We aim to bring logicians in Korea together. We will celebrate World Logic Day proclaimed by UNESCO, and exchange opinions on current roles of logic in philosophy, science, and engineering.

On 14 January 2019, the first World Logic Day was celebrated as an initiative of universities, research institutes, foundations and associations active in mathematics, philosophy, computer science, engineering, economics, and cognitive science. For future annual celebrations of World Logic Day, it was officially claimed the Day by UNESCO, in association with the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) on 13 November 2019. This year is for the fourth World Logic Day. For more events in other countries, please visit World Logic Day 2022.

Why is 14 January for World Logic Day? Nobody can disagree that Alfred Tarski and Kurt Gödel were most influential logicians in the 20th century. Alfred Tarski was born on 14 January 1901 and Kurt Gödel died on 14 January 1978. In memory of these two greatest logicians in the 20th century, 14 January is decided to be the day.

Important dates


Name Affiliation
Ahn, Ki Yung Hannam University
Choi, Seungrak University of Seoul
Jeon, Hanul Cornell University
Kim, Dongwoo CUNY
Lee, Hyoyoon Yonsei University
Lee, Junguk KAIST
Selivanova, Svetlana KAIST
Thies, Holger Kyoto University
Yang, Eunsuk Jeonbuk National University


  Speaker Talk
09:20 - Opening remark
- Session 1, chair Kim, Joonhee -
09:30 Choi, Seungrak (University of Seoul) Dialetheism on Arithmetic: Is there any inconsistent primitive recursive relation?. Slides (pdf)
10:10 - Break
10:20 Jeon, Hanul (Cornell University) Constructive Ackermann’s interpretation. Slides (pdf)
11:00 Lee, Junguk (KAIST) ACFs are simple as much as infinite sets : An introduction to quantifier elimination. Slides (pdf)
11:40 - Lunch
- Session 2, chair Kim, Hyeungjoon -
13:10 Kim, Dongwoo (CUNY) Exact Truthmaker Semantics: in relation to multi-valued semantics. Slides (pdf)
13:50 Lee, Hyoyoon (Yonsei University) Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem; sketch of the rigorous proof. Slides (pdf)
14:30 - Break
- Session 3, chair Park, Sewon -
14:40 Selivanova, Svetlana (KAIST) Computational Properties of Differential Equations Solution Operators. Slides (pdf)
15:20 - Coffee break
15:50 Ahn, Ki Yung (Hannam University) Recursion, Induction, and Data types in Programming Languages and Proof Assistants. Slides (pdf)
16:30 Thies, Holger (Kyoto University) An application of constructive dependent type theory to certified computation over the reals. Slides (pdf)
17:10 - Break
- Session 4, chair Choi, Seungrak -
17:30-18:10 Yang, Eunsuk (Jeonbuk National University) Implicational tonoids, embeddability, and representations. Slides (pdf)

How to Register and Participate

The event will be held online. Please leave your email address through this google form by 12 January 2022. The instruction on how to attend the event will be shared on 13 January 2022.

Talk Abstracts

The talk abstracts can be found at https://korealogicday.org/2022/abstracts
